Sunday, March 18, 2007

Personal Information

My name is Adel Mohamed Al Hosani. I am twenty four years old and from Delma Island. I have been married since 2004 and I have three children. At the moment, I live with my parents in Al Shamhka City.

I had worked at Takreer Company for seven years. Now, I have release from my company to complete my education at Abu Dhabi Men's College. I am going to study chemical engineering. So, after graduating I will be a process engineer in my company. I like to travel every year to different countries in the world. I always enjoy traveling with my old friends, because I get funny time with them. By the way, I do not like to stay outside my country for more than ten days. My hobbies are diving, fishing, playing football and billiard. I spend my most time to go fishing with my classmates by boat.

My planning in the future to have a big business in the U.A.E. In addition, I would like to be an important person in the emirate's society. Any way, this blog will be about global warming and other social issues. To conclude, I hope for everybody to have an interesting time to read my blog.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

An introduction of Global Warming

Global warming is the rise in temperature of the earth's atmosphere. The earth is naturally warmed by rays from the sun which pass through the earth's atmosphere and are reflected back out to space again.

The Global Warming is good, but if extra greenhouse gases are made, the thermal blanket gets thicker and too much heat is kept in the earth's atmosphere. That's when Global Warming is bad. Water vapour, Carbon dioxide, Methane, Nitrous oxide, Ozone and Chlorofluorocarbons are all natural gases, but extra greenhouses gases can be made by humans from pollution. In addition, global sea levels could rise by more than 20 feet with the loss of shelf ice in Greenland and Antarctica, devastating coastal areas worldwide.

Nowadays, there are many agencies which consider solving this big problem. Because, the Global Warming can be effect everybody who lives in the world.

( For more information about global warming )

Thursday, May 5, 2005

"An Inconvenient Truth"

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore is from America. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976 and served four terms and was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States. In addition he served under President Bill Clinton between 1993 and 2001. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He is interesting about man-made climate change.

However, Al Gore has a film and book about Global Warming which are called, An Inconvenient Truth. The film is talking about many important things. For example, the film showed the people are cutting trees around the world and build new buildings, and also built a lot of industry and transfer the oil under the sea which is polluted the environment. These things are raising the temperature on the plant to cause melting the glaciers around the world. This may cause some islands to sink in the future.

I saw from the graphs that when the CO2 increases the temperature is increased direct. Al Gore explained the polar ice cap melting and how it was effecting on the polar bears. He said when the temperature rises in the ocean the ice becomes weak and can not carry. They will not find place to rest and that will be deadly for the bears. Al Gore is warning that are a new disaster is coming and we will face huge impacts.

The film was really great and effecting; because he showed the effects of the climate change and showed us the evidence by photographs. So, we have to think and how to find solutions for this problem.

Saturday, May 8, 2004


Really the documentary film was interesting which is called "An Inconvenient Truth", because it analyzed serious problems in the world. The lecturer of this film is Mr. Al Gore. He used humorist techniques to keep the film interesting. He mentioned several problems and the effect of global worming.

Mr. Al Gore spoke about disadvantages of global warming so, a lot of people agree with him. In addition, the scientists agree that global warming is making problems in the world. He spoke about global warming effect while he did not speak about some solutions. Political will can be help to solve these problems. However, I agreed and disagreed with Mr. Al Gore on what he was said. The pictures and music were effective for this subject. By the way, the film cartons were good point to add in the film.

I learned many points of information and details about global warming. For example, I learned the melt of glaciers can be effected on see level. Finally I would like to say I hope each country tries to face these problems.

Sunday, April 4, 2004

Global Worming and the UAE

There are some projects in the UAE which they try to reduce and clean the air from the pollution. This project in progress in Abu Dhabi. there are four stages for this project, the first one talking about the vehicles, improper waste disposal, chemical plants and the other three they talking about the industrial.

Sunday, April 20, 2003

Lebanon Report

Lebanon is a nice country and it has many natural places. The weather there is very clean. The land of milk and honey is what the bible calls Lebanon. Its nickname is Beirut is Paris of the East. Shakira is the famous singer in the world who is half Lebanese. Five countries which surround Lebanon are Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus and Israel or Palestine in reality.

In 1943, Lebanon gained independence from France. Then the Christians held the power and Lebanese Muslims had little control over Lebanon. This contributed to increased tensions between them. In 1975 the tensions reached their peak, because the Christians killed a bus full of Palestinians in downtown Beirut. There were two result of the tensions which were revenge killings and violence that began to spiral out of control. In 1982, the Israeli army invaded the city witha the aim of removing the Palestinians Liberation Organization. However, a peace deal was reached in 1989. The human and economic cost of the conflict were Between 150,000 to 200,000 people ded, around 25% of population has left the country and Beirut's economy was paralyzed.

The four signs of social and economic recovery in Beirut are stands on the Cornich, Beirut's seafront promenade. It is a wonder how this country every over fell into civil war. The current problems in the Lebanon are almost 300,000 of young people have left. Another current problem that the unemployment remains very high. The Last problems is a lot of money is being made in the hand of a few.

"Eye on Lebanon." Globale Eye.25 Spring 2006. Royal Geograghic Society. 8 Apr. 2008.

( For more information about Lebanon War )