Thursday, May 5, 2005

"An Inconvenient Truth"

Albert Arnold "Al" Gore is from America. He was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1976 and served four terms and was the forty-fifth Vice President of the United States. In addition he served under President Bill Clinton between 1993 and 2001. He was awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. He is interesting about man-made climate change.

However, Al Gore has a film and book about Global Warming which are called, An Inconvenient Truth. The film is talking about many important things. For example, the film showed the people are cutting trees around the world and build new buildings, and also built a lot of industry and transfer the oil under the sea which is polluted the environment. These things are raising the temperature on the plant to cause melting the glaciers around the world. This may cause some islands to sink in the future.

I saw from the graphs that when the CO2 increases the temperature is increased direct. Al Gore explained the polar ice cap melting and how it was effecting on the polar bears. He said when the temperature rises in the ocean the ice becomes weak and can not carry. They will not find place to rest and that will be deadly for the bears. Al Gore is warning that are a new disaster is coming and we will face huge impacts.

The film was really great and effecting; because he showed the effects of the climate change and showed us the evidence by photographs. So, we have to think and how to find solutions for this problem.


ali174blogproject said...

Hi Adel, who you doing ?
Al Gore alert the world about the disaster which called Global Warming . But he didn't give a convincing solution.

hasan said...

NO NO algore gave us the solutions but who will do it.. Thanks adel for ur interest.

adel174blogproject said...

For Ali & Hasan,
I know he gave us many solution but he didn't mintion serious problem