Friday, May 25, 2001

My Carbon Footprint

A carbon footprint is a measure of the amount of greenhouse gases produced by human activities. It measures your consumption of food, energy, goods, services and housing. Also it shows how a big the effect is on the environment. After taking the quiz at my score was 5.00 planets which mean that if every one lived my lifestyle, we would need 5 earths.

I found that have quite a lot of problems. One of them was traveling. That means I'm using my car a lot and traveling by plane for long distances. Another issue was my consumption of electricity and water at home. A third matter is that I never recycle which contribute to my footprint.

On the other hand, there are some solutions to reduce my footprint. First, I need to walk instead of using my car when possible. Second, I have to turn off the air conditions in the rooms that I am not using. A final solution is that I must put the recyclable trash in the proper place like the one in spines supermarkets.

To conclude, I would like to say every one should try to reduce his carbon footprint. That will help to lower the amount of carbon dioxide in the world and make it safer for our next generation.

To get more details about carbon footprint:

An interesting video about carbon footprint:


Rashid174blogproject said...

"It measures your consumption of food, energy, goods, services and housing. Also it shows how a big the effect is on the environment."
it's an important sentence, that means we have to look out of our life and try all to reduce our consumption.I know that is imposible becaouse we will need more than 6 planet, but we have to try.

adel174blogproject said...

thank you my dear to visit my blog.