Saturday, May 8, 2004


Really the documentary film was interesting which is called "An Inconvenient Truth", because it analyzed serious problems in the world. The lecturer of this film is Mr. Al Gore. He used humorist techniques to keep the film interesting. He mentioned several problems and the effect of global worming.

Mr. Al Gore spoke about disadvantages of global warming so, a lot of people agree with him. In addition, the scientists agree that global warming is making problems in the world. He spoke about global warming effect while he did not speak about some solutions. Political will can be help to solve these problems. However, I agreed and disagreed with Mr. Al Gore on what he was said. The pictures and music were effective for this subject. By the way, the film cartons were good point to add in the film.

I learned many points of information and details about global warming. For example, I learned the melt of glaciers can be effected on see level. Finally I would like to say I hope each country tries to face these problems.

Sunday, April 4, 2004

Global Worming and the UAE

There are some projects in the UAE which they try to reduce and clean the air from the pollution. This project in progress in Abu Dhabi. there are four stages for this project, the first one talking about the vehicles, improper waste disposal, chemical plants and the other three they talking about the industrial.